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Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is Hello Neighbor 2 coming out?
    So far, the developers have not announced the exact date; it is only known that the release is scheduled for 2021. Nevertheless, now you can familiarize yourself with some of the sequel functionality in the Alpha 1.5 version.
  • On what platforms can you play the game?
    You can install Hello Neighbor to a computer (Windows and macOS), popular consoles (PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One), smartphones, and tablets (iOS and Android).
  • How many games are there at the moment?
    There are four games in the Hello Neighbor franchise so far that differ from each other in gameplay. The fifth part will appear soon.
  • Which Hello Neighbor game to choose?
    The action of all parts takes place in the same universe, but they differ from each other in gameplay and tasks to be completed. The franchise features a classic single-player game, a short prequel (Hide & Seek), multiplayer (Secret Neighbor), and a machinery-building simulator (Hello Engineer). Each one is worth trying.
  • Can I download Hello Neighbor for free?
    Full game editions are paid. However, in the public domain, you can find alpha and beta versions, for which you do not need to pay to download.
  • Where can I find the game?
    You can get Hello Neighbor from the developer's website, as well as from official digital stores.
  • How long will it take me to walk through it?
    It depends on your speed and attentiveness. The main story can be completed in a little over 9 hours. If you plan to do all the additional tasks, you may need from 18 to 21 hours.
  • Will the game be on PS5?
    It is unknown yet. The developers did not talk about their intentions to port it for the next generation consoles.
  • Can I pass Hello Neighbor offline?
    Since the game is a single-player mode, no internet connection is required so that you can play it offline.

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