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The Sims 4 is a life simulation game in which you control a group of Sims (or Sims) and direct their life. You can create your own Sims to your taste. You have control over their life, such as career, hobbies, etc. You can also control the life of other Sims in the neighborhood. You can see how your Sims are living. You can also control the weather in the game. Sims can buy and decorate their own home. The Sims 3 is similar to this game. However, there are some differences between the two games. For example, The Sims 4 has a new Create-a-Sim feature and it has a new emotion system. There is also a new Gallery feature. There are many types of characters available. You can find many types of pets in the game.


The Sims 4 gameplay is very different from The Sims 3. In The Sims 4, the game is mostly about the characters and their lives rather than building houses and businesses. Also, the game is based on real-life, so you can't do whatever you want.

In The Sims 4, you create a family and a single Sim. You can choose their professions and interests. You can set up their looks and house. You can make decisions for them, for example, what house they will live in, what car they will drive, what food they will eat and so on. You can also control their moods.

When your Sims do their jobs, you can see how they are doing, if they are good at their job or not. When your Sims go to work, you can control them and see what


The Sims 4 graphics are quite good, they can do well for both low-end and high-end machines, and they are not that demanding, so they don't require a powerful computer to run the game smoothly.

You can turn graphic settings to different levels so the game can be as beautiful as you want it to be.


The Sims 4 are quite replayable because the game doesn't really have an end, so you can play it as long as you want. You can develop your sims and build stuff in build mode, you can build your dream house and move your sims in, you can make your sims have babies and watch them grow, and you can even make your sims die of old age. Although some of these things take a lot of time, the game still remains enjoyable and entertaining because there are so many things to do and so many different ways to do them. The game is really fun and you shouldn't be limited in doing whatever you want and having fun, that's why The Sims 4 is really replayable.

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