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Plant Nanny is a water tracker for plants. Plant Nanny keeps track of how much water the plants in your home need. Plant Nanny keeps plants healthy by not letting them get too dry or too wet. A plant nanny is a device that helps you achieve your goal of maintaining a healthy plant. It can be used to monitor how much water your plant needs, or how long it has been since the plant received water. Plant Nanny is a water tracker that can help you care for your plants by telling you how much water they need, and when they need it.


Plant Nanny is a water tracker for plants. Plant Nanny keeps track of how much water the plants in your home need. Plant Nanny keeps plants healthy by not letting them get too dry or too wet. Plant Nanny helps plants stay healthy by sending alerts when plants need water. Plant Nanny helps plants stay healthy by sending alerts when plants are too dry. Plant Nanny helps plants stay healthy by sending alerts when plants are too wet. Plant Nanny helps plants stay healthy by sending alerts when plants are too hot. Plant Nanny helps plants stay healthy by sending alerts when plants are too cold. Plant Nanny helps plants stay healthy by sending alerts when plants need more sun.


Plant Nanny is an electronic device that is designed to help plants stay healthy. The Plant Nanny device is shaped like a watering can. The Plant Nanny device is designed to be used indoors. The design of the Plant Nanny - Water Tracker is simple. The device is small and lightweight. It is white in color. It is designed to be simple and easy to use.

Information about usability

Plant Nanny is easy to use. Plant Nanny has an easy installation process. Plant Nanny has an easy setup process. Plant Nanny has an easy to use interface. Plant Nanny is easy to read. Plant Nanny is easy to configure. Plant Nanny is easy to set up. Plant Nanny is easy to use. Plant Nanny is easy to understand.


  • It is connected to the power socket, so it runs on electricity.
  • It has a water tank, which is connected to the water pipe.
  • The water tank has a sensor at the bottom
  • The sensor detects how much water is in the tank
  • The Plant Nanny - Water Tracker is easy to use
  • It is lightweight and small
  • It is designed to be simple and easy to use


  • It is not suitable for people with animals, because animals are able to knock it
  • It cannot be used in places with high humidity
  • It cannot be taken with the person, when the person goes away
  • It does not have a large water tank
  • It is not cheap


Overall, Many people are busy nowadays. With the busy lifestyle, it is hard to water plants. There are many devices that help people water their plants. The Plant Nanny - Water Tracker is one of the devices that helps people water their plants. It is a device that is connected to the power socket. It is connected to the power socket because it needs electricity to operate. It has a water tank, which is connected to the water pipe. The water tank has a sensor at the bottom. It detects how much water is in the tank. When the water level is low, it sends a signal. This signal is received by the app installed on the mobile phone.

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