Pay a Brother: Bill-Splitting Comes to Facebook

Shari Lynn Kramer / 10 Dec 2021

Pay a Brother: Bill-Splitting Comes to Facebook image

A new feature will allow people to split bills right in Facebook Messenger. In case your group of buddies needs to chip in, the feature will come in handy.

Facebook Messenger is getting a new feature in the US this Holiday season. And we’re talking about bill-splitting.

Now, users will be able to share utility or restaurant bills, chip in to buy a birthday present for a colleague, or financially support the newly wedded friends right via Messenger.

With this new know-how, you can request a group of people in the chat — family members, colleagues, roommates — to pay their portion of the sum. Once it’s done, you can quickly check who has contributed financially and who hasn't.

For whatever reason, the decision was made shortly after David Marcus decided to leave Meta. He was the cryptocurrency chief and the lead-developer of Facebook Messenger.

Lately, Facebook has been on the roll with introducing changes and new features. Among all else, Messenger added a new type of emojis — soundmojis.

The idea is simple: you can illustrate your emotional state, reaction or make a witty comment using a bunch of built-in sound effects. It can be anything: angry meowing of a cat, hysterical laughter, a memetic movie quote, or a short song snippet.

Smart technologies have also been on the app’s to-do list lately. For example, Meta has been experimenting with AR a lot lately.

So now, there are group effects to extract a few giggles from. Among them, you will find a quirky green beard, a 3D chubby kitty-cat, a crown to adorn your head during a video call, and so on.

Facebook's products are coming through an innovation stage, as rival platforms keep on evolving. What features would you like to see in the Messenger? Share your opinion with us!

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